163 Essays on Infinite Lifespans   Brad F. Mellon the  question  of  what  value  can  be  derived  from  extending physical life and from efforts to eradicate death. Finally we will consider comments and analysis by Daniel Callahan and James Drane that serve to further challenge the drive  to  conquer  death.  [12]  Callahan  notes  that  although “death is treated as an evil in and of itself with no redeem- ing features (unless, now and then, as a surcease from pain)”, and that this war is treated as an imperative, it is nonethe- less a relatively modern concept (since Descartes and Bacon). He adds there are problems with this war, such as when a terminally ill patient extends his or her suffering by coming to hospice late in the dying process. Technological advances can also be as much bane as blessing when it is assumed that “something  more  can  always  be  done”  for  dying  patients. He further suggests that too often in this scenario medical staff unfortunately can ignore a patient’s last wishes. Callahan  contends  “to  fear  and  resist  death  might  be a perfectly sensible response except for the fact that it fails to ask the question of the meaning (italics mine) of death.” Likewise it does not adequately deal with quality of life issues. For example, Callahan cannot accept the idea that extending life could offer a guarantee of indefinite freedom from bore- dom and other problems associated with the aging process. Drane reminds us that another common problem associated with aging is depression, and that extending life and waging war on disease have not solved the problem of lack of meaning for the elderly. Further, he says that ignoring death in older age tends to exacerbate one’s problems. Even if we might be able to conveniently ignore death for a time, it can come sud- denly and unexpectedly. [8] Both  Callahan  and  Drane  agree  that  despite  efforts  to eradicate involuntary death, death will have the final word. This conclusion is one that is consistent with Judeo-Christian theology and ethics. Callahan contends that despite victories